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Future Outlook

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-05-31
  • View count:247

Strengthening Collaboration with Juvenile Courts and Youth Divisions of Local Courts 

In order to enhance the connection between our school and the juvenile courts, we propose the following measures:

  1. Inviting representatives from the youth divisions of various courts, as well as guardianship associations, to regularly visit our school and provide care and support to the students. This will facilitate effective counseling, positive reinforcement, and companionship. 
  1. For students who have completed their rehabilitation and are no longer enrolled in the school, we will coordinate with the juvenile courts to ensure smooth transition and continued supervision. This will involve actively collaborating with the guardianship offices of the courts to strengthen the monitoring and guidance of these students, as well as maintaining effective communication and cooperation within the guardianship system. 

Enhancing Collaboration with Local Rehabilitation Organizations and Social Welfare Agencies 

To address the needs of students who cannot return home or for whom returning home is not suitable, we propose the following actions: 

  1. Before applying for a ruling to discontinue the rehabilitation education program, we will seek the assistance and approval of local rehabilitation organizations or social welfare agencies to provide placement or support for independent living after leaving the school. This proactive approach will help ensure appropriate arrangements for these students, thereby reducing the likelihood of reoffending. 

Strengthening the Use of Volunteers and Social Resources to Support School Activities 

Given the limited manpower and financial resources available, it is crucial to effectively utilize volunteers, teachers, and social resources to support various school initiatives. The following steps will be taken: 

  1. Actively recruit volunteers who share our commitment to public welfare and possess enthusiasm for contributing to our school's mission. These volunteers will be engaged in diverse roles to enhance the effectiveness and uniqueness of our school's programs. 
  1. Develop strategies to leverage the specific expertise and skills of volunteers, fostering ongoing collaboration between the school and the community. This will enable us to continuously deepen and refine various aspects of our school activities, shaping our performance and distinctive features. 

Enhancing the Campus Landscape to Foster Harmonious Relations with the Local Community 

Our school is situated on the outskirts of Tianzhong Township in the Bagua Mountains of Changhua County. The clean air, sweet water, and simple local customs make it an ideal place for young people to grow and develop. However, in order to dispel any negative perceptions associated with correctional institutions and create a harmonious relationship with the local community, we propose the following actions: 

  1. Each day, the captain of the work duty team and fellow students will participate in cleaning nearby lanes and trimming hedges, fostering positive interactions with the local community. This will help to cultivate a sense of goodwill and engagement. 
  1. Devote significant effort to the design of the campus landscape and implement effective measures for soil and water conservation on the slopes. In addition to shaping the distinctive culture and characteristics of our school, we will align with the cultural ambiance of Tianzhong Township, thereby creating a campus environment that promotes mutual growth and meets the expectations of the local community. 

Strengthening the Prevention and Medical Care for Infectious Diseases such as Influenza, Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS To address the prevention, monitoring, and response to infectious diseases, as well as to provide adequate medical care, we propose the following measures: 

  1. Prevention, monitoring, and response to infectious diseases:

   - Implement weekly epidemic surveillance and reporting in accordance with the guidelines for infectious disease surveillance in densely populated institutions issued by the Ministry of Health. This will strengthen health education and promotion for infectious disease prevention and control among the residents. During peak periods of influenza outbreaks, we will enhance relevant control measures to effectively prevent the spread of influenza within the institution. 

   - Conduct monthly chest X-ray examinations for newly admitted students. In cases of suspected tuberculosis infection, refer the individuals to Changhua Hospital of the Ministry of Health for further testing. Once diagnosed, the individuals will receive prescribed medication and regular health education counseling, as well as access to relevant consultation resources. 

  1. Continuous promotion of HIV/AIDS prevention and education on the dangers of drug abuse:

   - Collaborate with the Changhua County Health Bureau to conduct ongoing education and promotion on drug abuse prevention and HIV/AIDS awareness. This will ensure that residents have accurate knowledge and provide avenues for counseling and consultation on these topics. 

   - Implement the "Medical Treatment Plan for Drug Addicts" with the guidance of the professional team from the Department of Psychiatry at Changhua Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. This plan will include psychological counseling and treatment for mental health disorders among drug offenders. By understanding the process of addiction, students will be motivated to reflect upon themselves and make positive changes, reinforcing their determination to resist drug abuse. 

By implementing these measures, we aim to strengthen the connections and collaboration between our school and external institutions, enhance the support provided to students, and foster a positive and nurturing environment for their rehabilitation and development.

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