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Compulsory Education

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-05-23
  • View count:3306

The rotation of the school's small, medium and high vocational school

Since August 1st, 2019, the school to implement the 12-year Basic Education.
Dept. and number of classes:
  Students are admitted to the school according to their academic qualifications and learning style, so that students do not interrupt their studies because they receive educational discipline.
  (1)Higher Vocational Education Department:
       Dept. of Beautification:There is one class in each of the first and second grades.
       Dept. of Automotive Mechanics:There is one class in each of the first and second grades .
       Dept. of Restaurant Management:There are three classes in each of the first and second grades.
       Dept. of Electrical Engineering:There is one class in each of the first and second grades.
       The second and third grades implement double teaching.
  (2)The Junior High Division:
       The third grade boys and girls each have a class and implement Mixed-Age Class Teaching.

Circs of teachers:
  The school employs qualified full-time teachers to teach, in addition to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, and the teachers create their own textbooks. There are 33 full-time qualified teachers.

Administration of students' enrollment status:
  Most of the students in this school are dropouts, and the time of admission is uncertain. Therefore, they apply for the student status according to relevant regulations, so that students can successfully connect with their studies.

Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students:
  Since 2003, the "Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students" examination room has been set up on campus, and students who are willing to continue their studies are required to arrange academic counseling to achieve better results.

College Entrance Examination In Specified Subjects:
  Since August 2016, high school graduates have the willingness to take the College Entrance Examination In Specified Subjects. The school has applied to the College Entrance Examination Center to set up an independent examination room for students to take the test.

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