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- Last updated:2023-03-21
- View count:656
The school affiliates to MOJ; the administration organization includes one principal, one vice principal, and one secretary. Units in the lower administration tier include Educational Affairs Division, Student Affairs Office, Assistance and Guidance Section, General Affair Section, Guard Detachment,Personnel Office, Accounting & Statistics Office, Government Ethics Office and Nursing Room to handle the respective works.
The school has built the school administration meeting attended by principal, vice principal, secretary, department or office directors and all faculty members. School principal is the meeting chairman and the meeting will discuss about related school affairs. This meeting will be held at least once per quarter, another temporary meeting might be held if essential. Other meetings include the teaching meeting, discipline meeting and counsel meeting; attendees are from related unit members, held to discuss important teaching, discipline and counsel agendas.
Regarding student's behavior accumulation, abolishing or terminating the reform education to respective student and scholarship affairs, the School has set up the student behavior accumulation review meeting, student pleading commission meeting, and student scholarship review meeting to deal with them.