Objectives of Establishment
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- Last updated:2023-05-23
- View count:823
Li Zhi High School admits all juvenile delinquents under the age of l8 of both sexes from local courts which declare judicially in accordance with juvenile delinquency to execute the rectification. The objectives of an organization for performing correctional education and disciplinary action are as follows:
※Influencing juvenile delinquents to repent and start anew by rectifying bad habitual behaviors.
※Vocational training to improve employment potential.
※Completing national basic education by conducting national education.
※Assistance with readjustment to normal life in society after discharging from institute.
Boys: From Taichung to the counties and cities of Southern Taiwan, including Taitung, Penghu, Matzu, and Kinmen.
Girls: Students accommodated according to the decision of each juvenile court in Taiwan.
On August 1, 2019, "Chengjheng High School Changhua Branch" was established.
Capacity: 580 juvenile delinquents.