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Dreams take off, passionate showdown, first restructuring-Inspirational Middle School & Dongshan High School Basketball Friendly Match

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-02-15
  • View count:86

The majority of juvenile delinquents in correctional facilities exhibit limited interest in static academic subjects, preferring sports-oriented courses, particularly basketball. These adolescents often lack discipline, confidence, perseverance, and a willingness to challenge themselves. Many hail from economically disadvantaged families. In support of their dreams, our school collaborated with the Initial Association and domestic sports brands to introduce various resources. This effort led to the establishment of the Inspirational Basketball Team in October last year, which bravely faced the formidable East Mountain High School team on January 27, aligning with the Ministry of Justice Correctional Bureau's "Basketball Sea Project."

Led by renowned coaches Lee Cheng-Shuo and Hsu Chun-Jen, our energetic team of 19 boys embraces a burning passion, dedicating themselves to daily morning practices. They hone not only their physical prowess but also their resilience, teamwork, and tactical acumen. Despite challenges, they grow amidst laughter and tears, creating a new version of themselves every day. Inviting Coach Feng Jun-Di to lead, our Inspirational Team faces a significant challenge in a friendly match against the influential East Mountain High School basketball team, symbolizing the "calf born in the manger." When asked about pressure, the shyly smiling A-Wei (alias) said, "Pressure is inevitable. In the process of team training, I've learned to accept 'failure.' The key is to tell myself that I must rise from where I fall. Now, I can accept my past mistakes, as long as I persist and don't give up, success will come one day!"

This unique friendly match, hosted by experienced and humorous heavyweight sports anchor Mr. Zhang Li-Qun from Videoland Sports Channel, adds excitement to the event. Principal Lin Jia-Ru encourages players to approach every task with a calm mind, emphasizing that doing their best will reveal their best selves. The players are then individually introduced, each walking hand in hand with their significant family members onto the court, symbolizing the enduring presence of "family love and support." Subsequent basketball matches, involving both East Mountain High School and teams formed by employees of domestic sports brands, unfold amidst cheers from teachers, parents, correctional officers, and social workers.

Through such events, energetic and quick-to-learn correctional youths undergo transformative experiences, reshaping their lives and embarking on positive trajectories. Despite wins and losses, the Inspirational Basketball Team fearlessly confronts challenges, embodying the spirit of athletes. In the eyes of parents, each player is a perfect MVP.

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