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Our school organizes the “Image and Text Selection” Competition on Caring for Parents, I Have Something to Say/Drawings to Say

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-03-06
  • View count:151

To encourage students to express their inner feelings and convey love for parents and elders through words and images, fostering a sense of identity and emotional communication with family members, our school held the "Expressing Love to Parents: Moments of Happiness" graphic and text competition on February 20, 2024. The competition focused on depicting students' happy moments with parents or elders, whether from the past or envisioned for the future, expressing gratitude and care. Through diverse and rich student submissions, the event aimed to rekindle or create happy moments with parents, enhancing emotional exchanges and family support. The competition culminated in 35 outstanding works selected from class-level preliminaries, with a notable victory for the Culinary Management 2C student. The variety of entries showcased students' appreciation for family and contemplation of their future, fostering warmth and harmony in parent-child relationships. This participation underscored the importance of family and its functions, contributing to a positive and hopeful life path under the subtle guidance of teachers.

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