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The school handles the special education promotion committee meeting for the second semester of the 109 school year

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-03-19
  • View count:342
special education promotion committee meeting

In order to implement the special education work of this branch school and protect the rights and interests of each special education student, this meeting was held in accordance with the Special Education Law and the Constitution of the Special Education Promotion Committee of Chengzheng Middle School Changhua Branch. The members of this meeting included 2 external scholars and experts from the branch school and 17 internal members of the branch school. The president of the branch school presided over the meeting. The organizer targeted at the branch school’s special education students’ disabilities, numbers, and special education related services, including the implementation of the IEP meeting. , Arrangement of special education courses, application for special education related professional services, special education small group courses, special education appraisal work results, special education student transfer work report, and also explain the handling of special education knowledge and ability study. Then review the list of students who assisted in applying for relevant professional services and submitting appraisal this semester. The external committee members expressed their affirmation that the special education teachers can discuss the direction of leaving the school at the individualized education plan meeting when the special education students enter the school, and hope that they can help the students to be well endowed to the society. They also provide a lot of advice. Valuable suggestions are for the reference of the special education team, and the special education business of this branch school can be more refined.
※The unit and phone number of this event: 886-4-8742111 extension 308

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